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Pre Employment Check Up

Pre Employment Check Up

Pre-employment check ups are required to cover occupational and safety hazards at workplace and to ensure that the selected candidate is medically fit for the job. – e.g.: a person with TB in a call center, a cook with typhoid in a restaurant, an asthmatic as an AC mechanic, a color blind person in a clothing store, etc. Given are the recommended packages we have for your people. We can also customize the check ups as per your requirements. For enquiries, please contact at +91-94977 17580 or email to corporatesales@medivision.in

  • Complete Medical / Physical Examination
  • Laboratory Investigations
  • Complete Blood Count (26 parameters)
  • Blood Sugar Fasting
  • Urine Routine & Microscopy
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
  • Blood Group & Rh Factor
  • X-RAY Chest
  • Optional Tests
  • ECG
  • HIV (For AIDS)
  • SGPT (For Liver)
  • Cholesterol (Heart)
  • HBsAg (Hepatitis)
  • Creatinine (Kidney)


New applicant should be free from medical conditions that could result in sudden incapacitation that can lead to an accident, especially, for health and safety sensitive jobs. Examples of such jobs are driving, piloting, etc.


Pre-employment is a means to establish baseline health data against which future health status of the employee be compared. It is also a means of identifying existing medical conditions, including contagious diseases which could be adversely affected by occupational exposures.

Productivity and Efficiency

Pre-employment medical examination is the means by which employers can satisfy themselves that new recruits are free from medical conditions which can affect the productivity of the new recruits once they are employed.


The cost of medical treatment is escalating. Employers who provide coverage on medical care especially the ones, who provide full, unlimited coverage, are concerned on this. They are not willing to employ job applicants who suffer from medical conditions that have high medical cost potential.

Pre-Employment Health Package for Food Handlers:

It is a good practice if measures are taken at protecting co-workers as well as the public from becoming infected through direct contact with an infected food handler or by means of contaminated food handled by such a person.

Food Handler

  • Food handler is a person involved in the processing production, manufacturing, packaging, preparation, sale, or serving of any food stuff including water and beverages.
  • Food handlers fail to report their manager immediately if they have an illness that is likely to be passed on through food or if they have certain medical conditions that could lead to this.
  • The following infections can be spread by food handlers
  • E.coli (causing watery diarrhea)
  • Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli)(causing bloody diarrhea)
  • Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi A, B or C (Enteric / typhoid fever)
  • Shigella (causing dysentery)
  • Hepatitis A (Hepatitis)
  • Staphylococcal food poisoning (vomiting and fever)

Lists of pre-employment tests for food handlers :CBC, ESR

  • Hb
  • Stool Routine
  • Urine Routine
  • Fasting Sugar
  • Blood Group
  • Stool Culture
  • Widal Test
  • HIV, HbsAg
  • X-Ray Chest

Other diseases that need to be checked prior to employment and later at 6 months interval are :

  • Chest and respiratory diseases like TB which could pose a hazard to co-worker
  • Blood-Borne Infections like HIV, Hepatitis B

Returning to work after an illness

  • In most cases of infection, bacteria and viruses can still be found in someone’s faeces after symptoms stop. It is therefore important that managers continue to exclude food handlers for a period of time after this. 48 hours is the recommended length of time.
  • Extra care should be taken over personal hygiene practices on return to work though, especially hand washing.

Lists of test to be done in case of person returning from a diarrhea illness :

  • Stool Routine
  • Stool Culture (3 consecutive stool samples taken 48 hours apart in case of cholera, typhoid and dysentery should be tested negative)
  • Widal Test
  • HAV Test